Media Requests:
SSBA Communications and Strategic Services provides for member boards a team of professionals uniquely experienced to provide advice and services. A range of services are made available to member boards, including:
- Strategic communications planning
- Communications tools and tactics advice and development: social media, key messages, news releases, etc.
- Media relations support and media training
- Writing and editing support
- Facilitation services
- Issues management support and advice
- Research and analysis
- Policy analysis and support
- Strategic planning support
In addition to the services available to members, the Communications and Strategic Services department also supports the efforts of the Association and the Executive, undertaken on behalf of our membership, with:
- Strategic communications advice and planning
- Media relations – SSBA news releases, media conferences, coordination with media, support for SSBA spokesperson(s), key messages, media coverage tracking, etc.
- Social media – SSBA website, Facebook and Twitter
- Research – member surveys and analysis
- Policy – support and analysis
- Strategic planning and reporting
- Brand and identity – design of documents, logo, etc.
- Writing and editing support – speeches, correspondence, reports, etc.
- Issues management
- Event support – photography, videography, planning and coordination, etc.
- Stakeholder relations support – communication and coordination with partners and stakeholders
- Provincial Bargaining communications support
Workshops and presentations are also provided to school board members and their staff, administration and SCCs in support of their work at the local level.
For more information or to inquire about booking a workshop or presentation, please contact:
Phone: 306-569-0750
Jill Welke
Director, Communications and Strategic Services (ext. 142)
Joe Couture
Senior Consultant, Communications and Strategic Services (ext.131)