SSBA Legal Services comprises a small team of lawyers and a Senior Consultant, Employee and Labour Relations, who provide advice to member boards in areas specific to the education sector. Legal Services provides advice and support to boards of education on a variety of issues, including employment and labour law issues, student issues, parent issues, family law issues, accommodation and human rights matters, investigations, discipline, termination, matters arising under The Education Act, 1995 and its regulations, privacy and access (LAFOIP), board of education matters including conflict of interest, SCC, school closures, Charter questions, collective bargaining, contracts, and other legal matters with a unique educational component.
When initiating a request for legal services, please use our general email rather than going directly to legal counsel and it would be appreciated that you include a bit of context around the issue or topic.
Saskatchewan Schools Privacy Website
The Records Retention and Disposal Guide for Saskatchewan School Divisions, dated September 2019, was approved by the Ministry of Education. Section 369 of The Education Act, 1995 requires boards of education to preserve public documents of the school division until their disposal is authorized by a resolution of the board and approved by the Minister of Education. This guide will minimize the chances of valuable documents being inadvertently destroyed, enable boards of education to reduce the cost of storage and assist boards of education in complying with legislation.