Research Centre Reports
Research Center Online Report: Assessing Student Learning In Saskatchewan Schools (2009) Assessment has become the “public face” of education. It is the accepted belief that the effectiveness of schools can be judged by looking at student results. But what do student grades really tell us? This online resource outlines key components of assessment related to student learning.
Research Centre Report #05-02: Assessment Literacy for School Trustees (2005) This resource is intended to strengthen school system capacity to collect and use achievement results to inform decision making to improve practice.
Research Centre Report #02-08: Conceptualizing Accountability for Education (2002) What does Accountable Education look like from the Four Strands of Liberalism that have shaped Public Education in Canada? What are Accountability Principles? What are Practical Applications for Those Assigned the Task of Enhancing Accountability in Education?
Research Centre Report #02-07: Teacher Decision Making in Student Evaluation (2002) How do Teachers Make Decision About the Ways in Which They Assess, Evaluate, and Report Student Achievement? What Factors and Considerations were Given Priority in these Decisions and Why?
Research Centre Report #99-11: Using Standards and Assessments to Support Student Learning (1999) How Are Our Students Doing and How Can Boards of Education Develop an Effective Student Evaluation Policy?
Research Centre Report #99-07: Defining Educational Standards and Determining Their Reasonableness (1999) Why Are Standards Important? How Can Educators Set Reasonable Standards and Make Trustworthy Evaluative Judgements?
Research Centre Report #96-02: Setting Standards in Education: Saskatchewan Standards Symposium (1996) Why do we need education standards? What kind of education standards are desirable?
Research Centre Report #92-09: Drawing Value From Education: 10 Fastbacks and video regarding evaluation practice (1992) What should be included in a student evaluation and reporting policy?
Research Centre Report #91-03: Saskatchewan High School Students’ Attainment of Selected Mathematical Competencies 14 Years Ago and Now (1991) How does student achievement in mathematics in 1990 compare with 1976?
Research Centre Report #14: Summary of a Study Comparing Accredited and Non-Accredited Grade Twelve Marks as Predictors of Freshman Marks (1973) Do Accredited and Nonaccredited Marks Have an Impact on University marks?