SSBA Statement on Manitoba School Boards:
The Saskatchewan School Boards Association believes the Government of Manitoba’s decision to eliminate elected school boards and centralize decision-making will negatively affect the education system by removing local voice and accountability, particularly in rural and remote communities.
In Saskatchewan, local school boards have proven to work collaboratively in the sector to effectively serve students, staff, families and communities. Across Canada, school boards represent diverse voices that are important to be heard; in Saskatchewan, approximately 58% of board members identify as female and 14% identify as being of Indigenous ancestry.
The SSBA joins with our national and provincial counterparts in calling for the Manitoba government to reconsider the changes proposed. We believe education belongs to community and maintaining local voice through elected boards is key to future improvement and ensuring every student has the opportunity to succeed regardless of their locale or circumstances.
Dr. Shawn Davidson
SSBA President
PDF version: SSBA Statement on Manitoba School Boards